When did you become so, well…complacent?

So “it’s good enough for now”?

When did you start turning down the dial bit, by bit, by bit, saying no to the real desires of your soul and the sparks of excitement that you decided were just “too much” in your life.

And when did you decide life was a game of either/or?

Either a sexy relationship OR a highly profitable soul led business?

Either the most turned on body of your life OR being a global spiritual thought leader?

Either a deeply aligned mystical being OR adorned in beautiful clothing, jewelry and hot AF?

Honestly, the ‘when’ doesn’t even matter much, what matters is will you continue to be available for that watered down version of your fully expressed and fiery soul?

We live in a universe made up of one ever expanding energy where anything you desire, require or can focus your energy on can be brought into your reality and yet you think you can’t have ALL of the above?

That it might be too hard, too complicated, require struggle and sacrifice?

Well all paradigms are possible, there’s absolutely people creating great success with great suffering and sacrifice, but…the thing is that ALL paradigms are possible. Meaning, you get to CHOOSE.

If you’d like to choose for things to be difficult, a struggle, come at a cost of something else, well my love, you are indeed that powerful.

And on the flip side, if you’d like to choose for receiving to be your natural state, being treated like a queen to be automatic all day every day, for soulmate clients to love to pay you, for your income and impact and ease in all areas of your life to just go up, up, up…

Well that’s available as well.

That’s what I choose.

But, the choice is yours. I’m only here to present options, to open your eyes to what’s possible and wake you from your deep slumber of being “normal”.

By all means, normal it up if that’s what you’re into — but I’m here to be fucking divine.

I’m here to bend time and space.

I’m here to consistently, easily, create and manifest completely unrealistic experiences, results and expansion into my life as if by magic and share these powerful tools with those who are ready to take their place on the throne of their life, to remember their true infinite nature.

I’m realizing it’s not for everyone though, which is quite befuddling to me that you would choose to live in a self created hell instead of heaven, but free will is one of the most beautiful parts of this universe, so…have at it.

I’ll be over here wielding magic, waking up the visionaries, setting the rules on fire and leading the lightworkers in evolving consciousness while living a physical life far beyond what most can even dream of if you want to join us.

Up to you.

Free will, baby.

Stop watering down your fiery soul

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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