JessicaStanleyLake12I have something to share that might surprise you — I don’t believe in competition.

Is the coaching industry growing? Heck ya, there’s no denying that.

People are becoming aware that there’s another option instead of putting in the hours at a 9-5, doing work you don’t love, and dealing with a daily commute.

The dream and reality of starting your own business and working from anywhere you have wifi is catching speed.

But I’m not concerned one bit that this industry might become saturated. Why?

Because I know the secret to standing out online.

And it has everything to do with leveraging your story and identifying your unique skills, gifts and desires.

If you know how to turn your story into profits, you never need to be concerned about succeeding in the online world.

When I first started out I based my business around my mentors because it’s all I knew. It worked to get me started, but it would have fallen flat at some point because there wasn’t enough ‘me’ in my business.

Have you ever felt that way? Pressured to make your website, photos and branding look like other successful coaches because you assume that’s how it’s supposed to be done?

When you discover your authentic message you’ll never feel pressured to be like someone else again.

And your income will double, if not quadruple, just like mine did when I started fully owning my story and unique desires.

I started taking more of my business photos barefoot outside in a field. I lived and worked between a luxury RV traveling around Colorado and beautiful hotels. I dedicated Fridays to spending time out in nature hiking and snowboarding.

The more I brought myself back into my business, the more the idea of competition completely fell away.

Each of us is so unique. Once you give yourself permission to show up fully in your business as YOU, you’ll never have to worry about competition again and you’ll know exactly what to say in your copy, on social media, your newsletters and more.


How to stand out in a sea of coaches

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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