JessicaStanleyLake14I have an exercise for you today that has the power to highlight your limiting beliefs and help you change these areas today.

This practice can be used on your business, finances, relationship, body, and more.

Are you interested? Awesome. Let’s dive in…

Let’s say you’ve set up a coffee date with a really good friend, someone you really trust. You feel totally at ease and know you can share anything with this friend in confidence.

Your friend has heard about this new practice that she’s tried for herself and now she wants to share it with you.

All you have to do is share a snap shot of who you are and you’ll be able to immediately see your limiting beliefs and shift them asap.

Cool, right?

Step 1: Describe yourself either out loud, in your head or on a piece of paper.

Don’t try to do this perfectly or too professionally. Stay in the energy of hanging out with a good friend sharing some things that may be obvious to others and some that you may not usually share in public.

Explore your personality, money, business, health/body. Are you someone who’s on time? What do your relationships look like? Definitely explore the areas that you’re most interested in improving as well, how would you describe yourself here?

Your description might look something like this: “I’m an optimistic person, I like meeting new people and make friends wherever I go. I love wearing bright colors. I’m a strong personality so sometimes I’m afraid to share my opinions because of what others will think. I want to be an entrepreneur but I’m still working at my 9-5. I love to travel, but I don’t get to as much as I like because my job takes all my time and I never have enough money for it.”

Step 2: Do not hold back, share who you think you are.

Some things you share you’re going to love, others might surprise you. That’s ok, don’t sugar coat this. We can only identify the limiting beliefs if you’re totally honest with yourself. You can be free of them and move on once you realize they’re there in the first place.

Step 3: Our lives reflect who we think we are, not who we want to be.

This is HUGE. If you’re running your own business but you haven’t booked any clients or made any sales yet, ask yourself honestly how you think about yourself in this area.

If you think of yourself automatically as someone who’s “not good with money”, “always just getting by”, “has to work hard to make anything happen”, etc. then you’ll realize why your efforts haven’t been working.

If your deep inner beliefs are in direct opposition to your desires, this equals a whole lot of effort and little to no results.

Step 4: Change your ‘wants’ to ‘musts’.

We don’t get what we want, we get our musts in life. Recognize the limiting beliefs that you’ve shared about yourself and choose something better.

It really is that simple.

But, here’s the thing to be aware of — let’s say you notice that you have a tendency to leave things to the last minute and you think you ‘should’ change this. That’s great, but it’s not going to happen unless it’s a ‘must’.

You may ‘want’ to earn money in your coaching business so you can leave your 9-5 or travel more. That’s lovely, but until it’s a ‘must’ it’s not happening.

Change your ‘wants’ and ‘shoulds’ to ‘musts’ and expect miracles.

Ready to drop the limiting beliefs once and for all and transform your life? Tired of seeing the same patterns over and over again and ready to finally have the business and lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about?


4 steps to crush your limiting beliefs

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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