Sometimes when you’re running your own business it can feel like there’s never enough time to get everything done…

You finish one project only to realize there’s 3 more waiting for you, right?

Today I have a brand new episode of LiveFree TV to help you get out of the cycle of never feeling like you’ve done enough.

During this episode I’ll be sharing:

  • A breakdown of the schedule I use to keep me focused Monday – Friday
  • And the daily tool that keeps me out of overwhelm and makes every day feel like a success

Plus, the video is less than 5 minutes long and shot at a gorgeous fairytale location in the mountains!

Check it out now.

Creating a successful schedule is one part strategy and one part listening to your own desires, so I highly recommend reviewing my schedule in the video and then adjusting it to work best for you.

And definitely start implementing the “Choose 3 To-do’s” practice I recommend in the video, it’s one of the quickest ways I know to get clear on your priorities and get out of overwhelm.


The schedule I swear by {LiveFree TV}

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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