jesslindholm.comI’m going to be up-front here— it takes time and work to launch a business. No matter how passionate you are about your cause, clients and the lifestyle you desire to create, there’s going to be times that it feels like work.

As the lovely Elizabeth Gilbert says, “Choose your sh*t sandwich” — meaning, whether your passion is coaching, writing, painting, website design, etc. it’s never going to be all sunshine and unicorns all the time, there’s going to be some pieces you might not be in love with.

Why am I pointing this out? Because sometimes I’ve noticed we can get into fear that if we’re not inspired and totally lit up all the time that something must be wrong, we’ve somehow fallen off course or “everyone else is making millions over night, what’s wrong with me?”.

When in all honesty, you just might not love building opt-ins for your website or you’re warming up your audience before they’re ready to make a purchase. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you’re in the wrong business or a failure.

So what does it mean? Either:

     A. It’s time to delegate some of those pieces that aren’t your strong suit as soon as possible.

     B. It’s time to review your business model and make sure it’s in alignment with your lifestyle desires. i.e. if you started this business so you’d feel more free but then went on to book 15 private clients at a ‘dollars for hours’ rate you might be feeling a little burnt out about now.

     C. You’ve been seduced into the ‘launch your biz and hit 10K today’ craze** (Yes I went from less than 1K to 10K in my first month of actually selling premium coaching packages. However, this was preceded by several years of trying to figure out how the heck to be an entrepreneur while cleaning houses, waiting tables and answering phones on the side.)

     D. A mix of all of the above

I’m not telling you this to scare you, I’m telling you this so if by chance you didn’t make a bazillion dollars last month you don’t feel totally lame and beat yourself up over it.

One of my favorite sayings is ‘Starting a business is like working out, if you do the work it will work.’ That’s worth repeating, if you do the work, it will work. If you consistently keep your mind in check, get clear on your message, put yourself out there, hire expert support and coaching as needed, Your Business Will Work.

Starting your own business isn’t a lottery. Stay the course, follow what lights you up at the moment, push through (or delegate) the pieces that aren’t your strong suit and give yourself permission to be here in this part of your journey today.

Finally, stay close to those who inspire and lift you up. Stay close to those who have the lifestyle and business similar to what you desire to create for yourself. And unsubscribe from the rest of the noise and chaos that’s out there whether it’s being delivered to your inbox or coming from a friend who “totally knows how you should be marketing your biz” but has never hit the 10K or 20K month you’re shooting for.

You are endless potential in motion and I know you’re up to big things.

To Living Free!

P.S. If you desire a supportive group of like-minded entrepreneurs plus a space to receive extra support, guidance and inspiration from me daily (and did I mention it’s FREE??) then join my Facebook community The Financially Free Entrepreneur.

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The truth about “overnight success”

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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