http://jesslindholm.comDo you have one of these equations going on in your life right now: “When I —— then I’ll let myself ——”?

I’ve been seeing this come up like crazy for my clients right now which means I know it’s rampant in my community as well.

This lock can show up in lots of ways in our life from “when I lose 10 lbs I’ll finally get new photos for my website”to “when I book that next client I’ll finally let myself invest in a team, mentor, etc.”

And this way of thinking is so prevalent that it sometimes slips by us “Well of course you should wait to get extra support in your business until you have the money for it, we don’t want you racking up credit card debt and being irresponsible, right?”.

You can almost hear everyone who’s meant well in our lives for generations speaking this advice to us. I adhered to it for some time as well because one of my biggest fears was to be considered irresponsible.

But then I took a closer look at my life since I’ve went from broke and struggling to a pretty freaking successful business and joyful life and guess what I found??

All the big decisions I’ve made that have catapulted me forward did not follow the “When I —— then I’ll ——” equation.

 Here are some examples:

  • Did I wait to sign up for my first coach until I had signed a client? Nope! I hired the coach and 48 hours later the new client showed up.
  • Did I wait until I had $10,000 in the bank to sign up for The Academy, my coaching certification program? Nope. I signed up on a payment plan AND THEN a flood of income showed up and I paid it off in full instead. I’ve had a similar experience with the next mentorship I signed up for as well.
  • Did I wait until the money showed up for a support team before I hired them for my launch? Nope. I hired them with the intention of easily making the money back during the launch, and I did.

See a pattern? I do!

Now I’m not saying to go buy the Ferrari and hope money will show up. But when it comes to following your heart, especially when the purchases you’re considering are investments in the life and business you truly desire, then I’ve seen this shift in the equation payout amazingly well for me.

So check in with yourself, where have you set up a “When I —— then I’ll ——“ equation? Is it serving you or is it just a limiting belief in disguise? You get to decide.

To Living Free!


Why you should be irresponsible

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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