black skirt smiling

So often clients come to me asking for the secret sauce, for the magic shift that will propel them forward in their coaching business.

But I have to let you in on the real secret, you already have the most powerful tool to successfully sell your services…

Your Story!

  • Your story is what sets you apart and makes competition irrelevant.
  • Your story is what helps you know 100% who youre meant to work with right now.
  • Your story is your power and your unique brand of expertise.

For some reason we seem to forget that we have lived entire lives before we decided to start our online business. We get stuck in the last few months or even the last couple years and that’s how we start to see and define ourselves.

Today Im sharing three strategies that you can start using immediately to leverage your story and powerfully launch your business:

1. Take a moment to look back on your life and consider what makes you unique. What experiences have you had, where have you traveled, what certifications or schooling have you accomplished?

For example, in the beginning I thought my years of unsuccessfully launching online businesses made me a failure, but quite the opposite, they made me an expert in what not to do. Once I knew what didn’t work I could shift my focus to what does work in the online world and help others do the same.

Another example is a private client of mine who has a law background. She didn’t love her work as a lawyer but she’s totally lit up about being a business coach for online entrepreneurs. And what’s going to set her apart from other coaches? The fact that she can support her clients on the ins-and-outs of running a legitimate legal business, contracts, etc. as well as being a great coach.

2. Your ideal clients are typically Youat some point in the past. It could be where you were just a few months ago or even years, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you clearly remember what it was like to be in that space so that you can powerfully support your clients in their own transformation and moving forward.

Don’t slip into “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t have enough experience” to be a coach. If you’re a new business coach you don’t need to know how to set up complicated sales funnels for 50K months, you just need to know how to help your clients get clarity on their message and set up the basic systems and structures so they can book their first client.

3. Tell your story over and over again. You don’t get to share a little bit of your story in your about page or a newsletter you’re writing and call it good. Your story is a big piece of your message and some version of your message needs to come through in everything you do in your business.

Share parts of your story on your sales page, in your opt-in offer, newsletter, social media posts, anywhere you’re interacting and engaging with potential clients. Your people can only find you if they can hear and see you, so get your message out there.


To Living Free!


Tell me your story…

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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