Black dress fall '15Do you feel like you’ve done everything “right” and yet nothing is happening yet?

Your sales page is up, you’re excited about your offering, you’re interacting on social media, offering free calls and yet it’s crickets??

During these times there’s usually one culprit that’s standing like a big boulder in a river blocking the rush of financial abundance that wants to move toward you —— Your beliefs.

I know, you were hoping I’d say that you just need to tweak your marketing plan, or be more visible, or create a stronger headline for your signature package. But honestly, that’s not it.

I’ve seen clients sell $5,000 – $10,000 coaching packages without even having a sales page up.

How? They believed they could! Not just a soft quiet ‘I believe’ but a ‘my hair is on fire and there’s no stopping me’ believe. When you work from this space there is no stopping you. You become creative, resourceful, ideas for how to best reach your ideal clients just keep popping up in your mind and you implement these with gusto and honestly, without any concern about whether they’ll work or not. You KNOW you’re on the right path and you KNOW the river of abundance is roaring toward you.

If you have everything ready to go in your business but the sales aren’t coming in the way you’d like, check in with yourself — do you expect sales? Or are you living in a space where you actually don’t expect anyone to reach out or sign-up and the Universe is giving you exactly what you expect…nothing?

You have to get out of reality. You have to get a little crazy and move into the space of the woman who’s already successfully selling her packages like hot cakes. How? Start acting as if.

Get it so ingrained in every cell that you are a successful entrepreneur that you don’t even care what’s happening in this so called reality because you already feel like you’ve hit the jackpot.

In an upcoming message I’m going to be sharing a powerful visualization that I used in the beginning of my career to unleash financial abundance in my life. But, today simply start by becoming aware of any limiting beliefs that are standing between you and your goals — awareness is incredibly powerful.

The breakthroughs, ah-ha’s and progress in this group blows my mind every time. You’re so very powerful and when you finally say ‘Yes’ to what you truly want in life, there’s no stopping you.


To Living Free!

This makes you invisible to clients…

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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