Let me tell you a quick story…

A few years ago at the beginning of 2017 we’d just built our first home and honestly, I was a little exhausted after the holidays, lots of travel and having been so focused on growing my business for the last three years straight.

I just wanted to relax, do nothing and chill.

Until I realized that there wasn’t as much money in the bank as I’d thought (back when I’d still stick my head in the sand around my finances at times) and with a new house and taxes due soon there was no time for chilling, instead I needed to “make things happen”.

That mindset sent me down a whole rollercoaster of beating myself up, thinking everyone else had the answers and that it was time for me to be a “real entrepreneur” (whatever that meant) but basically, not good enough as I was.

So I gave my power away over and over again thinking it would help:
I spent tons on ads for a big launch I thought I should do
I hired lots of team members because I thought if I just acted like what I thought a millionaire would do that the millions of dollars would show up (even though my frequency was so not millionaire right then)
I purchased a course on how to launch correctly because I thought I wasn’t good at it and needed a “real” entrepreneur to tell me how. I made all the payments (of course), watched one video and threw up in my mouth a little because the content so wasn’t me
I thought every strategy would be my savior, or at least the solution, so I got obsessed with funnels, obsessed with automation, obsessed with creating low priced things, thinking the answer must be in there somewhere. There’s nothing wrong with any of these things except when you need them to save you, then the energy is all sorts of fucked up.

What I didn’t do was surrender.

What I didn’t do is remember that there was nothing wrong with me.

What I didn’t do was place my hand on my heart, take a deep breath, return to soul and remember that I’m not alone.

Nope, all day every day I hustled. And when I wasn’t hustling I was crying because I felt like a failure and thought I’d broken my business.

I hadn’t broken my business, I had just gotten addicted to trying to do it all on my own without remembering there’s a greater energy at work here and that we live in a friendly universe that is always just saying ‘Yes!’ to us.

So whether my frequency was “freaking the fuck out” (which it was at that time) or “knowing that everything is always working out for me and the better it gets the better it keeps on getting” (which is what I believe now) the Universe was just saying “Yes!” and bringing me more experiences to match.

Now looking back I’m so grateful for this experience for many reasons, most of all because it brought me back to my soul and running my business from an aligned space as a soul led CEO which has freaking Set Me FREE.

But, the other reason I’m grateful for this experience is because it showed me who my ideal client is — me just a couple years ago 🙂

The me who wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel inspired, and like I was doing my soul work on this planet.

The me who still hadn’t learned to surrender and let life really open up for me and support me in all the miraculous ways it wanted to.

The me who had made strategy king but so badly wanted all of it, business, cashflow, clients, my offers, everything to feel easier, more feminine and divine, more queenly.

I’ve been that girl and now she’s my ideal client.

Sound like you?

Do you find yourself getting caught up in what everyone else is doing and even though you said you’d never sign up for someone else’s free training again because you’re committed to keeping your eyes on YOUR business, well…you just did?

Do you feel like you’re always looking for the secret or strategy to make this whole consistent cashflow thing easy, and you’ve amped yourself up so many times for the new offer, or the new funnel, or the new lead magnet, or whatever just to be let down over and over again and yet…something deep down in you KNOWS the strategy isn’t the solution?

Have you even had great income months before but they never freaking stick? And they leave you wondering if the whole thing was just a fluke and it’s not going to happen again?

And then are you left feeling kind of bored and annoyed by the whole thing, like somehow you started your dream business and have turned it into a job and you just want your freedom and inspiration back?

To shift into that feeling where you feel like you’re living a charged up life and everything is just working out for you like magic, to feel instead like life totally unrolled the VIP red carpet just for you?

That magic feeling is superflow. And it’s on the other side of everything you’re dealing with here.

I know because I’ve been there.

And my love, you’re my soulmate client 🙂

It took me the majority of 2017 to realize I was being invited to surrender and reset to soul, but it does not need to take you that long.

For you to have gotten as far as you have at this point (and to be reading this) there’s something really powerful about you that’s meant to expand in even bigger ways in the world.

You’re meant to feel free, inspired, supported and energized.

And you’re meant to start running your business (and being paid) like a Soul Led CEO.

But…that can only happen if you’ll let go of all this struggle, stop holding on so tightly to everything you think is keeping you afloat, take a deep breath and remember who the fuck you really are.

And I would love to personally mentor you in stepping fully into this space now if you’re not willing to spend another day in that second guessing hell hole (I can say that because I’ve been there).

It’s the whole reason I’ve created the Soul Led CEO.

And put everything into it.

We’re kicking off with a 30 day intensive on November 1st for everyone who’s signed up to kick these old habits to the curb and step into your next level, your Soul Led CEO and get results, now.

And I’d love for you to be there 🙂

Sound good?

Get all the details on my brand new spanking Soul Led CEO page that I just created here:

Stop trying to carry all of this on your own.

It’s bigger than you alone and you’re not meant to do it on your own.

If you feel called, I’d love to personally guide you.

Special bonuses end soon.

A love letter to my soulmate client

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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