The Conscious Life is a powerful weekly discussion that I host with my husband, Luke. We’ll be diving into the exact practices, strategies, tools and more that we use to create the deeply connected and aligned relationship, business and lifestyle that we love.

AND…how you too can live the most aligned, impactful, liberating life that’s meant for you!

We’ll be covering everything from business, to money, relationships, body, health and everything in between to live your fullest expression and a truly conscious life.

Listen straight from SoundCloud below or just follow the link to your preferred platform to listen to our first episode now!

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Ep. 1: Introduction to The Conscious Life

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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