View More: you ever just not feel like doing anything?

Come on, be honest. Even if you have the most incredible business ever there’s still times when you might just feel tired or uninspired.

Not burnt out, or overwhelmed, or any of that. You just kind of want to lay in bed and watch movies.

But that would be totally irresponsible right?? So you push through, force yourself to get the tasks done on your list. Which turns into feeling uninspired and all your tasks taking at least double the time to complete.

So what do you do when you just don’t feel like working?

 1. Get real about what’s going on in your life right now

Have you been working really hard, did you just finish a busy launch or have you been sick? Then maybe you’re legitimately tired and just need to slow down a bit. You’re not required to be super human to live the life of your dreams.

Action Step: Get clear on what actually needs to be done today/this week to move you toward your goals. Every day choose your top 3 things you will do to move forward and everything else is a bonus.

 2. Are you excited about your goals at the moment?

The second piece I often find is missing is we’re not very excited about our goals. Check in with yourself — are your current goals something that you’re totally lit up about or are they something that you feel like you “should” do to either be responsible or because you saw someone else have success doing it.

For example, if you’ve been seeing everyone on Periscope or hosting some form of a list building challenge and raving about their success you might be thinking “well I should do that too!” without taking the time to check in on if it’s something you’re actually excited about. Then mid way through the prep work you feel totally unenergized because you never really wanted to do this “should” in the first place.

Action Step: Reevaluate your current goals — are they true desires and do they light you up? If not, replace them with something that does energize you.

3. Have you left room in your life for fun and play?

You weren’t put on this planet to work 24/7. If you’re feeling low energy then take a play break and get outside, walk your dog, or do something that makes you laugh. This can literally take 5 minutes and totally shift your day.

Action Step: Do something that makes you laugh today, ideally immediately. This could be playing with your dog or even watching a funny video on YouTube, Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer are my go to’s if I’m taking myself too seriously and need a laugh.

4. Surround yourself with a supportive community

Let’s get real, sometimes you’re going to wake up low energy and you have no idea why. Maybe it’s the stars or what you ate for dinner, who knows. But this is the time when it’s really important to have a supportive community to lift you up, cheer you on or just celebrate your decision to take the day off. Hey, that’s why we created our own businesses right? I highly recommend having a mentor, mastermind group, or even an accountability partner you connect with weekly and can reach out to when you need a boost.

Action Step: Get yourself in a supportive mastermind or connect with a like-minded accountability partner today.


To Living Free!


What to do when you don’t feel like doing anything…

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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