Let’s be honest, we live in a society that celebrates exhaustion, running yourself into the ground and just pushing through.

We’re taught that more is always more.

Keep your nose to the grindstone.

Hustle now and you’ll reap the rewards later.

“Wait, you have adrenal fatigue too?!? OMG! So do I!”

Can we please stop bonding over who worked the hardest and went into burnout to hit their goals?

I’d like to propose something different…

Chill the F out.

Are you tired but still want to hit your goals??

Then the best thing you can do is relax, sleep, recharge and take care of YOU. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, so here’s how I do it…

This last week was pretty much full on crazy for me…

  • Amazing DREAM 1:1 clients signing up (hey you, rockstars!)
  • Three flights
  • Three hotels
  • Wrapping up Clarity Cure LIVE (we kick off live again soon!)
  • Fully supporting my current rockstar clients who are up to BIG things
  • Cheering my husband on at his shows + spending time together for a couple days before we both took off to different destinations
  • And finally returning home after traveling for the last three weeks

It was an epic week.

But, substantially fuller than my time in Mexico, a lot less spa days (haha) and not something I could maintain for longer than, well…a week.

By yesterday afternoon you could find me sitting on the floor, in the sun, with my pups, doing NOTHING. Like staring at my toes kind of nothing.

This massive amount of doing had left me in a space of actually feeling like I hadn’t done enough (isn’t it weird how that works??).

I could feel my confidence was off, I was second guessing things I felt totally in alignment with less than a week ago…

My mindset was, eh, ok.

And I’m sharing this with you for a VERY IMPORTANT reason!

I know you’ve been here too and there’s something about this that you need to know.

When you’ve been working hard, pushing yourself to the limits, want more, more, more and find yourself start to slip into a negative mindset…

The most important thing you can do is to STOP.


Close your laptop.

Put all your work away.

Do not create or do anything else from this space because it’s not going to give you the results you desire and it’s going to feel freaking terrible in the process.

I would have made myself full on miserable if I’d tried to do anything biz related from this space yesterday afternoon.

And as hard as it is to step away when you feel like this — because we want to FIX it (even though nothing is broken)…

Stepping away is literally the best thing you can possibly do.

So I did.

I know better.

I’ve been here before and I KNOW this has nothing to do with my business, my work, whether my dreams are coming true…

When I’m in this space it’s coming from ONE thing >>> I’m Tired.

That’s it.

When you feel this way, don’t make it mean something that it doesn’t.

So how I did I move past this?

I put away everything related to business and…

Watched some absurd tv that you’d probably judge me for…

Downloaded the Zombies Run! app (hahaha, have you tried this??) — and proceeded to go for a run at dusk with my dogs while feeling like I was in a zombie movie. (Honestly, I’m probably doing this again today because it was so entertaining and hilarious).

I had a pumpkin beer I’ve been stashing since fall. Read in bed. Went to sleep early…

And proceeded to sleep 10 hours.

Did it work?

Of course!! I woke up today feeling like my rockstar self again in a totally up leveled space.

I outlined a new mastermind.

I realized how excited I am about my new year long inner circle mentorship.

All the things I couldn’t feel, let alone even think about yesterday are back — BECAUSE my energy is back in alignment with them.

If I’d made myself meditate and journal on how I was feeling yesterday I would have dove deeper into something that wasn’t even real. I didn’t actually feel negative about any part of my biz or life — I was just TIRED.

So ask yourself…

How often are you beating yourself up, judging yourself for doubt or negative thoughts and trying to FORCE yourself into a positive space when you’re actually just tired and need to walk away for a bit?

I’m sharing all this with you so you’ll realize that chilling is oftentimes one of the best things you can do to hit your goals.

Feeling good is the WHOLE point.

You can’t create anything epic from a space of exhaustion and pushing.

And now that I’ve shared this with you, I’m taking the day off to bike around town, eat some delicious food at the amazing Irish brewery down the street (it’s St Patrick’s Day after all!!), play with my pups, maybe even go for a Zombie Run (hahaha) who knows?!

I’m giving myself the time and space to relax, play and have fun knowing THAT is what magnetizes all I desire to me faster than anything.

And…it feels good 🙂

Tired, But… Want to Hit Your Goals?

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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