I believe we’re in a state of continual growth. If you’ve been hoping to hit that point where everything’s done and you finally feel 100% in alignment all the time so that you can relax…

It’s not going to happen.

This is life and life is consistently in motion.

So what if instead of trying to fix everything, we instead allowed ourselves to grow, to be aware.

You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress.

For example, recently I noticed there was a negative pattern popping up in my life affecting my joy.

At first I made myself wrong for the pattern. I’m supposed to have it all together right? I have to be perfect to have this business, don’t I?

Well, no. I, just like you, am a masterpiece AND a work in progress.

Making myself wrong just made me feel guilty and shameful, two emotions that are nothing but destructive.

I had to get honest with myself, so I chose to be aware and curious instead. And I was surprised by what I discovered.

Any pattern we have, positive or negative, has a purpose. Or we wouldn’t be doing it.

We only do things repeatedly if we’re getting something from them.

Can you think of somewhere in your life where you’re insistent you want to change something but nothing has changed yet?

Ask yourself honestly, what are you getting from this pattern?What are you getting from not changing it?

This could be in any area of your life:

  • consistently living paycheck to paycheck
  • never being able to lost that extra weight that drains your energy
  • snapping at your significant other
  • putting off writing the newsletter for your business

What are you getting from this habit or pattern?

I asked myself this question and was very surprised by what I discovered.

At the core of my negative habit I was getting feelings and emotions that are very important to me like feeling free, relaxed, present and connected to others.

No wonder I hadn’t broken this pattern yet, it was helping me experience some of my core desires!

But, when I looked at the negative side effects of keeping this habit I knew it was harming me and had to go.

So often we can be so hard on ourselves for not being how we think we should be. But, what if you chose to have a little more compassion in the situation and honestly ask yourself what you’re getting from it?

Once you know the answer to this question, you can then choose more positive ways to get the same outcome.

I looked at my list of what I was getting from this negative habit (feeling free, present, connected, etc.) and chose to get creative about other ways I can create these emotions that are in alignment with who I am and my highest good.

This practice will allow you to immediately forgive yourself — which I find is always the quickest way to freedom.

Action Step: Where can you apply this practice in your life today to create more freedom for yourself?

You’ll be surprised by how powerful being curious and compassionate with yourself can be.


Drop that negative pattern for good

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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