Be honest, were you sitting at your computer right now trying to figure out what to email your list?

You know you’re supposed to send a newsletter or something but you have no idea where to start. What if it’s boring or even worse, what if people realize it’s not for them and unsubscribe?

It happens. Actually, if people aren’t unsubscribing from your list regularly it probably just means you’re not growing your list or they’re asleep. Both of which are no bueno.

I have something really annoying to admit. In general, I have no problem emailing 2-3 times a week. Facebook posts and newsletters just seem to fall out of me at breakfast, sitting by the pool, 10pm on a Tuesday night, etc.

But earlier this week I was having a bit of writer’s block. I hated it, I get how some of my clients feel when they come to me asking ‘but what do I email my list?’.

I had nothing to say. I never have nothing to say!

I’m not a lazy person at all, but all I wanted to do this week was sleep, read, lay by the pool and do my acting homework (I’m taking a class at the moment and loving it).

But, then I received an email from an amazing woman on my list who told me how much my newsletter meant to her. It was exactly what she needed to keep moving forward.

And I remembered.

I remembered that this business isn’t about me — it’s actually about you.

I remembered that I send out emails regularly because I know at least one person has an ‘ah-ha’ that may shift their day, their business or more.

How does this help you if you’re sitting at you laptop feeling stuck about what to email you list?

Because it means you need to shift the focus. You’ve been thinking too much about what others will think of you and too little about how you can be of service.

When we shift from looking at ourselves to asking how we can help, emailing our list becomes easy. So does creating free resources and opt-in offers.

You have a gift, a voice, a story and a life experience completely unique to you.

Give yourself permission to share it today, no matter how scary, knowing that no matter what you will positively impact a life.

I’m so grateful you’ve chosen to be a part of my community. There’s lots of lists out there and it can be overwhelming, but I promise I won’t send you fluff.

I’m so grateful that 40K+ months actually feel easy to me now and I’m an open book because I want to see you succeed as well.

I’m a small town country girl from eastern Colorado and relationships will always mean the most to me.

I’m glad you’re here.

And as we’d say in the country, pull up a chair and stay awhile.


Wondering what to email your list?

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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