DL graduation 2When’s the last time you stopped and celebrated all that you’ve done and all you’ve become?

No, don’t think about what’s still on the to-do list or what needs to be done next.Definitely have your big goals, get your mindset in check and take steps every day toward them.

But for right now, let’s celebrate you. Today, here, now for everything that you’ve accomplished.

Think back over your last year, think about how far you’ve come. Where were you a year ago, what were you doing?

Had you considered starting your own business at that point? Or maybe you already had a business but felt like you were just getting by? What was your relationship with money like? And your relationship with yourself?

Check in, feel in, get quiet for a moment and give yourself the credit you deserve. You’re a rock star aren’t you?? I knew it!

Today I’m celebrating too! After a year of honestly intensive focus on my business and in my coaching certification program The Divine Living Academy, I’m officially graduating!

Jess Emily Mel

After hundreds and hundreds of hours and more, of traveling from Miami to Sydney to Paris and now LA.

I’m so proud to say that I’m officially a Divine Living Certified Coach.

I’m so grateful for the experience, for the intensive training, for the travel, the friendships and community and now the even deeper level of support I will provide my clients with.

Today let’s celebrate, because as women we often put the focus everywhere else. It can feel uncomfortable to take a moment for yourself.

So that’s what I’m asking you to do today, to take that moment for yourself and to feel your greatness.

Celebrate what you truly desire for yourself, celebrate what you’re saying ‘Yes’ to, celebrate where you were a year ago and how far you’ve come.

Let the celebrations begin!
To Living Free!


Ready to Celebrate?

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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