seatedA year and a half ago I was sobbing on my couch. Not just crying, ugly crying, you know the kind where you are literally having trouble breathing?

Frustrated, confused, lost, don’t even begin to define how I was feeling.

I just kept telling my husband “I need help” over and over again. And honestly at that point I wasn’t sure what that “help” even meant. A therapist? A coach? A healer? God?

All I knew was that I literally couldn’t do things the way I had been and I couldn’t try to figure it out on my own anymore.

Step one? I came out of the spiritual closet. I had to seriously ramp up my self love, mindset, wealth consciousness, etc. I was tired of hiding these from everyone else for fear of being judged and honestly, I needed them.

The results weren’t instantaneous, but shifts definitely started happening.

Coincidences and serendipities started happening. I discovered my current mentor, because a friend just happened to ‘Like’ her page on Facebook and I saw it. What are the chances, right?

Well you don’t need luck and chances when the Universe has your back (and it always does if we’ll listen). Suddenly, you’re not carrying the weight of the world anymore.

From here I just started saying ‘Yes’ to myself a heck of a lot more. Saying ‘Yes’ to what felt good even if it didn’t make sense.

I did wealth consciousness work and meditated like it was my job and because I loved it. I bought every course out there until I’d stretched far enough in my mindset to invest in my first high level 1:1 mentor. That purchase was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. But then the momentum really took off.

And you probably know the story from there. From $50 an hour to $5,000 packages within a month. From earning less than 1K to over 10K in a month. (And now I support women like you with your own business and life transformation)

The business tools, systems and structures, marketing plan and clarity on my message and packages were incredibly important in making all of this possible.

But it was the shift in mindset that got the momentum going, that provided consistent income and results and that now brings me the peace of knowing I will never ‘just get by’ again.

It was the realization that money isn’t something I have to hold onto and hoard away. That money is a renewable resource.

Several times this week I’ve heard something down the lines of “I know you’re great at business coaching and helping women earn 10K+ online, but do you coach on mindset or intuitive work as well?”.

Oh you better believe it.

I wouldn’t be here without mindset work and transformational coaching and it’s a strong factor in my clients success as well.

Mindset + Business Savvy is the magic equation. These two together = the sweet spot.



To Living Free!





So I was sobbing on the couch…

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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