Today I want to share two of my favorite tools when it comes to manifesting money.

Tools that I have used consistently since I started my coaching business a little over a year ago.

We all have belief systems and money blocks that come from family members, friends or even media.

These weren’t given to us to hurt us, typically it was a well-meaning parent who was trying to protect us.

But, at a certain point in our lives we notice that these beliefs have shifted from protecting us to actually holding us back. And that’s when it’s time to let them go and create new beliefs that will support us moving forward.

This is often easier said then done. You might think “I’m never going to say ‘I can’t afford it again’!” but how long do you last before at the very least the thought has crawled back into your mind?

When I decided I was tired of the struggle and ready to consistently earn the money I desire once and for all, these are the top tools that I implemented and haven’t stopped using in over a year.

1. Specific Money Mantra

Money mantra for me is a non-negotiable. I would be floating around like a boat lost at sea if it weren’t for these specific goals and intentions.

I use two different kinds of mantra:

– One that helps me overcome any limiting beliefs like “Are my packages really worth xx?” or“Are there actually enough clients out there?”

These types of concerns I overcome with a mindset shifting mantra.

For instance, even after I started consistently selling coaching packages I would still get worried about money sometimes. Which is completely expected considering that I had been worrying about money for the last 28 or so years, it was going to take more than the switch of a light to turn it off.

I came across an affirmation that gave me chills and made me feel totally taken care of financially. From then on, anytime that I was concerned about money I would say this phrase, feel this phrase, and instantly be back on track.

Sometimes I used it once a day, sometimes I needed it 12 times a day. Either way it helped me shift my mindset to knowing there’s always more than enough money for me and all.
Here’s that mantra (try it out!):

unnamed (1)
– The second type of mantra I use is based on my Ideal Budget. Once I know exactly what I desire to earn for the month (money loves purpose remember) then I create a specific money mantra based around that amount.

“I am easily receiving a minimum of xx by xx date by selling a minimum of xx coaching packages. And so it is.”

You then just fill in the amount you desire to earn, the date you desire to earn it by and how you’d like to bring this money to you. And if you’re not a coach then switch that part out to selling your products, sessions, etc.

The only piece I’m not 100% dedicated to in this mantra is the ‘How’. If divine guidance has me sell 4 intensives instead of 3 private coaching packages, cool.

The part I am attached to is the amount and the date.

2. Seeing and Feeling My Desires

I’m not interested in working for a dream someday.

Maybe I don’t have a lot of patience but mainly it’s because life is happening NOW. So why no feel good now?

To keep myself in high vibration I know how important it is for me to feel my desires as if they’ve already manifested.

And the easiest way for me to do this is to see them, close my eyes and feel myself having that experience, see myself in the visualization and feel the joy.

Whether it’s a trip I’d love to take, an experience, speaking a foreign language, having friends around the world, laying by the beach or earning a certain amount, I get into the feeling of having my desires come true now.

And one of my favorite ways to do this is with vision boards on Pinterest.

Here’s one of my Branding Boards for my business:


This board helped me get clear on how I want to work, how I want to feel, the type of clients I’d like to attract and how I want to show up in the world.

Now it’s your turn!

I invite you to make your own mantras (or borrow mine) to help release any fears and blocks and get you back on track to create the business and life you desire.

And get into the feel good now by creating your own vision board on Pinterest so anytime you need a boost of motivation you can just scan through the photos and get reconnected.


To creating your own freedom-based business!

To Living Free!




My Money Manifesting Tools

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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