I’d been feeling increasingly off about my finances.

That feeling of unease that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I just didn’t totally feel at flow or at peace and the concerns kept coming back to money.

“Am I spending too much?”

“Is there actually enough in the bank?”

This feeling was familiar, it’s how I felt every time in the past when I’d been avoiding looking at my finances, online banking, credit cards, etc. for too long.

We can get into such a habit and negative relationship with money that we avoid it, maybe if we just don’t look at it everything will magically fix itself right?

Or for some reason we can’t handle the guilt of looking at our finances and realizing that the numbers are what they are, because of us.

I’ve been there.

looking back

And there’s one thing I know to be true, no matter how painful you think it might be to get clear around your financial situation, once you have clarity you’ll be able to take back your power.

When we put ourselves in a space of not knowing or being oblivious about our finances, you’re automatically giving your power away.

And no power means we’re not taking responsibility for ourselves and we can slip into being the victim. The victim of a situation, of our experience.

When we choose to be a victim of our circumstance, we’re waiting for someone else to save us.

I’ve been there, I totally didn’t see my own power to create the money I desired for years. I just kept waiting for someone else to save me. An employer, a family member, my husband.

I didn’t realize that I needed to become the person I was hoping would save me.

I needed to be my own knight in shining armor.

I didn’t need to be saved, I needed to take my power back.

Instead of waiting for someone else in my life to have a money breakthrough, win the lottery, make it big…it was time for me to get out there and create my own money miracle.

And the first step to reclaiming your power is getting intimate with your finances.

laptopLog in to your online banking account, your credit cards, and get familiar with what’s going on there. No shame, no guilt, just see.

If any pain comes up, don’t just squash it down. Feel it for a moment, is it carrying a message for you?

Thank the feeling, let it know you see it andrelease it.

You have done nothing wrong. You are in the perfect space right now financially.

You might have laughed at that, but it’s true.

What’s the message for you in where you’re at right now?

Are you waiting for someone else to save you and it’s time to step into your own power?

Are you looking for the “right” way forward instead of just taking action from where you are today?

Get intimate with your finances. Be grateful for the message that has been delivered to you. And then begin to take steps forward back to the empowered wealthy woman you truly are.

Money loves you.

Treat it that way. See it, receive it, use it. It’s not something to avoid, the only negative emotions around money are there because you’ve put them there.

See them and let them go.

I had to get intimate with my own finances this morning. And as soon as I sat down and really took the time to be present with and grateful for money and my accounts, I immediately received a sense of being supported and calm.

I was reminded that a truly peaceful and joyous relationship with money is always available to us. I trust it.

This simple practice can change your life.

Get intimate with your finances.

Take back your power.

To Living Free!



Take Back Your Financial Power

About Jess


Hey Rockstar! I'm Jessica Caver Lindholm, visionary, self-made millionaire and intuitive entrepreneur and I'm here to help you remember who you are and become all of it, now. Let's get started.



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